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🚀 Agence 3L supports #lifestyle and #sport brands in the design and implementation of their licensing strategy.

An entity of the VENISE GROUP communications group, AGENCE 3L offers rights holders transversal licensing expertise including communications agency, commercial development, style office, PR and deployment of e-commerce solutions.

Key #licensing clients include:

⚽️ the French's favorite football soap opera @Ligue de Football Professionnel (LIGUE 1 UBER Eats brands, collective rights of clubs and LIGUE DES TALENTS brand)

🛹 the urban sports brand (skate, BMX, scooter, etc.) FISE (@Hurricane) which targets GenZ with great collabs (@JULES, @G-SHOCK, @PANINI, @LAROUSSE, @The SandBox,…)

🚴🏻‍♂️ the cycling lifestyle universe around the @Fédération Française de Cyclisme and its brand La Bicyclette c’est chouette

Or the trendy brands 🏀 @Champagne Basket and 🏉 @Attitude Rugby

Benjamin RICHEZ

Managing Director

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